The movie fits into the suspense-thriller genre, as the story revolves around the mysterious disappearance of a patient at a criminal asylum. The main protagonist, U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) and partner Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) are given the charge of investigating the matter. But the scene at the asylum seemed far from welcoming. In the meanwhile, Daniels also has to confront the asylum’s top two doctors (Ben Kingsley and Max Von Sydow). The atmosphere at the asylum turns more and more mysterious and evading as he seeks to find answers, thus blurring the chances of unfolding the truth. However, he finally manages to realize that all the facts are still hidden within the asylum itself. This is an experience that would pin you up to your seats with its chilling suspense and a thrilling climax. The turns and twists in the narration has been well picturised and the director certainly deserves a round of applause for his skills. The cast cannot be far behind with spectacular performances from DiCaprio, Ruffalo, Kingsley, Michelle Williams, Emily Mortimer, Patricia Clarkson and Von Sydow.
I like the way you write. Awesome, keep it up...
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